* Application surfaces should not be used for 1 day, and surfaces exposed to water should not be used for 2 days.

** Water should not be allowed to accumulate for the first 7 days, it should be protected against impacts.

After 7 days, you can use chemical cleaners according to the points specified in the “things to consider after application” section of the detailed explanation below.


How to paint heater cores with Stella?

You can renew your heater cores, which have lost their color and brightness over the years, with Bianca Stella, and turn them into any color you want with unlimited color options.


Required materials for application

Moher roller or velvet varnish roller is a silk brush for narrow and protruding areas, depending on the surface to be applied.


Preparation before Stella paint application

The surfaces to be applied should be cleaned of all kinds of dust, dirt and oil, and sandpaper should be done when necessary. Since paint cannot adhere to oily, silicone and residue areas, the surface must be cleaned with chemical cleaners and degreaser should be used when necessary. Since the paint cannot adhere to areas that are not cleaned well, the application is repeated after the problem area is cleaned and dried.

The most important preparatory step before the paint application is cleaning. You can also complete this step using vinegar. Rusty and potentially rusty areas should be cleaned with sandpaper and protected with Bianca Antipas. If there is a floating, raised or swollen part on the surfaces to be painted, it should be repaired. You can get better results by removing parts such as handles and locks before painting.

After cleaning, make sure that the environment is completely dry. If necessary, the surface should be dried with a dryer.


Stella Paint application

With 1 liter of Bianca Stella, you can paint 10 – 12 m² of area in two layers. Stella is ready to use. Mix until it becomes homogeneous without thinning. Pour enough paint into a suitable tray.

Complete the first coat application with a mohair roller or velvet varnish roller, which gives the best results on the surface, and a silk brush in narrow and protruding areas where the roller cannot reach. Using your brush and roller at right angles with enough paint is very important for surface smoothness. Apply your paint to the surface at the appropriate rate and be careful not to make brush and roller strokes on the dry spots.

In suitable weather conditions, you can switch to the second coat application after 2 – 3 hours.


Protective Liquid Glass application

There is no need for protective liquid glass application in heater core applications.


Things to consider after application

First 2 days

Application surfaces should not be used for 1 day, and surfaces exposed to water should not be used for 2 days.

First 7 days

Water accumulation should not be allowed. The wetted area should be dried with a dry cloth or paper towel. It should be protected against impacts, heavy objects should not be placed on the surface, should not be pushed or pulled.

After 7 days

It is not recommended to use bleach directly after the application is completed. If it needs to be used, it is recommended to be diluted with water. Detergent, oil remover, stain remover, dish soap, vinegar water and similar can be used during cleaning. Dish sponge can be used. Wire should not be done. It should not be contacted with lime remover, salt spirit, sink opener, substances containing high percentage of alcohol, thinner, disinfectant.

Bianca Stella
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